Navarro College has partnered with Northland Internet Service (Vyve) to provide high-speed internet access for our Residence Life students with 24/7/365 customer support. We are committed to providing students with state of the art wireless and wired access. Residents receive 15 Mbps download speed and the ability to connect up to two additional devices.
The following is a an overview of the process to connect to the Northland (Vyve) Internet Serve and how to contact for technical support.
Obtain registration code from Housing office or by contacting the Housing / Residence Life Office.
Register your account at northland.cosmos.us.com/account/register.php
If you get an error message saying that “Student ID number/email address do not match,” use your student ID number without the 0 (zero) at the beginning.
Create a username and password that you will be able to remember.
Use your Navarro College student email address (firstname.lastname@nc.navarrocollege.edu) for your email address.
Your room assignment goes in the “Unit No.” field (ex: 31/228A).
Email confirmation will be sent.
Connect to wireless network called “Navarro College – wireless WiFi” through your device settings.
If a browser asking for your log in information does not automatically load, open a browser and go to http://northland.cosmos.us.com/account to enter username and password.
To register additional devices, visit https://northland.cosmos.us.com/mysite/login.php and log in with your username and password. When logged in, click “add device” tab and enter MAC address.
For technical support, please contact Northland (Vyve) directly at 1-844-863-5054. |