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- Board Policy and Administrative Procedures
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- SECTION F: Student
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- SECTION FA | Equal Education Opportunity
- SECTION FB | Admissions
- SECTION FC | Attendance
- SECTION FD | Tuition and Fees
- SECTION FE | Financial Aid
- SECTION FF | Student Welfare
- SECTION FF.1 | Campus Safety
- SECTION FF.2 | Mental Health
- SECTION FFA | Immunizations
- SECTION FFA.1 | Immunizations
- SECTION FFA.2 | International Students
- SECTION FFA.3 | Residence Life Requirement
- SECTION FFC | Student Support Services
- SECTION FFC.1 | Student Support Services and Administrative Services
- SECTION FFC.2 | Veterans Services
- SECTION FFC.3 | Special Programs for Students with Disabilities
- SECTION FFC.4 | Pregnancy and Parenting Student
- SECTION FFD | Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- SECTION FFD.1 | Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
- SECTION FFD.2 | Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner or Domestic/Dating Violence/Clery Reporting
- SECTION FFD.3 | Student Discrimination Grievance Procedure
- SECTION FFE | Sexual Misconduct Policy
- SECTION FG | Student Housing
- SECTION FH | Solicitation
- SECTION FI | Student Records
- SECTION FJ | Student Activities
- SECTION FK | Student Rights and Responsibilities
- SECTION FKA | Student Expression
- SECTION FKA.1 | Student Expression
- SECTION FKB | Student Conduct
- SECTION FKB.1 | Code of Student Conduct/Special Programs/Student Misconduct/Drug-Free Campus/Complicity
- SECTION FKB.2 | Disciplinary Procedures and Sanctions
- SECTION FKB.3 | Academic Integrity
- SECTION FKC | Student Complaints and Grievances
- SECTION FKC.1 | Student Grievance Procedures
- SECTION FKC.2 | Student-Instructor Conflict Resolution
- SECTION FKD | Grade Challenge
- SECTION FKD.1 | Grade Challenge
- SECTION FKD.2 | Program of Study Dismissal
- SECTION FL | Athletics
Navarro College recognizes and supports the right of free expression and public assembly. This procedure informs members of the college community and the public about the guidelines for engaging in constitutionally protected speech and expression at Navarro College. It is intended to ensure the primary educational purpose of the college, which includes promoting debate and the sharing of information.
The College will protect the rights of freedom of speech, petition, and peaceful assembly as set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Navarro College maintains the right to regulate reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions concerning acts of expression and dissent. Neither acts that are disruptive to the normal operations of the college, including but not limited to classes and college business, nor acts that invade the rights of others will be tolerated. Faculty, staff, and students engaging in a disruptive activity may be subject to disciplinary action. Any participant in a disruptive activity may face criminal charges.
The Definition of antisemitism as adopted by the State of Texas in Section 448.001 of the Texas Government Code, is provided as follows: "Antisemitism" means a certain perception of Jews that may be expressed as hatred towards Jews.
Acts of antisemitism, disruption to the normal operations of the college (including classes and college business), harassment, or infringement upon the rights of others will not be tolerated. Faculty, staff, and students engaging in a disruptive or harassing activities may be subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion or dismissal. Participants in disruptive activities may also face criminal charges.
The areas listed below are considered programmable space and are available on a first-come first-serve basis; however, college sponsored events have first priority on the use of campus and location grounds. Typically, use of the space will be assigned to the person or organization that requests the area first. Therefore, reservations should be made at least five (5) working days in advance of the event for scheduling purposes.
To ensure all events scheduled in these areas can proceed smoothly during inclement weather, alternate covered spaces have been established for each Navarro College location. These protocols aim to provide alternative spaces while maintaining safety and access for all students, staff, and visitors. If inclement weather is expected on the day of a planned free speech activity, the organization's representative must contact the reserved location’s designated contact person on the morning of the event to be assigned a covered alternative location.
1. Patio area southwest of the Dining Hall (to the right of the main Dining Hall entrance in front of the deli windows) |
2. Grassy area north of the Waller Classroom Building (between the building and the dorm parking lot) |
3. Inclement Weather Protocols: |
1. Primary Alternate Location: The area under the overhang of the Gooch One-Stop Center Building (northeast corner). Note: Walkways must remain clear and accessible. |
2. Secondary Alternate Location: Bain Center covered foyer entrance. |
1. Lawn area on the west central side of the south parking lot near the oak tree seating area. |
2. Inclement Weather Protocols: |
1. Alternate Location: Covered patio on the back side (south side) of the Administration Building (NCBA). |
1. Center of patio on the eastern side of the building leaving free access to and from the Building 1 through the doors located at either end of the patio area. |
2. Inclement Weather Protocols: |
1. Primary Alternate Location: West side of Building 1 (facing Mt. Zion Rd.) within a 15-foot perimeter to the stationary bench on the sidewalk. |
1. Lawn area immediately east of the Administration Building |
2. Lawn area between WAXB & WAXC |
3. Inclement Weather Protocols: |
1. Alternate Location: On the sidewalk in front of Buidling A |
A free speech area may be reserved and made available for use between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., for a total of two (2) business days with no more than two (2) consecutive days in a calendar month if there are no scheduling conflicts and if space is available. If a specific violation of a significant college interest or college procedure violation occurs, the right to use of the free speech designated area will be revoked (e.g., disruptive event or invasion of others’ rights).
Individuals or groups wishing to use free speech areas should request use of the space through the Vice President of Student Success on the Corsicana campus or the Dean’s office at other locations. The “Free Speech and Public Assembly Organized Expression” activity form should be completed five (5) days prior to the proposed event. The college reserves the right to relocate any assembly at any time to ensure that the activity does not interfere with the normal operation of the college or interfere with the rights of others.
In view of the desire of the College to promote free speech, the free speech areas of the campus are open to speakers for whom official arrangements to speak have been made with the College, following the provisions of this procedure.
The right to dissent is the complement of the right to speak, but these rights need not occupy the same forum at the same time. The speaker is entitled to communicate his/her message to the audience during his/her allotted time, and the audience is entitled to hear the message and see the speaker during that time. A dissenter must not substantially interfere with the speaker’s ability to communicate or the audience’s ability to hear and see the speaker. Likewise, the audience must respect the right to dissent.
Picketing in an orderly manner or distributing literature within the free speech areas is acceptable with the appropriate activity form. Picketing is not permitted inside campus buildings or outside the free speech area. Non-commercial literature may be distributed only in the free speech areas.
No signs, posters or advertisements shall be nailed, tied, hung, written or otherwise affixed to any trees, bushes, buildings, walkways, posts, fences, or other college property. Approved materials may only be placed on designated bulletin boards. They must not cover previously posted material and should not extend beyond the edges of the bulletin board. Printed material must not exceed an overall size of 8½” x 11”.
General regulations for the posting of flyers or posters. Advertisements may be placed on all bulletin boards throughout the campus and other Navarro College locations.
1. Flyer must be typed or produced on a computer. No handwritten posters/flyers are allowed except posters/flyers created for athletic spirit or Homecoming event. |
2. Only one Navarro College or non-college posters/flyers will be approved and stamped by the Vice President of Student Success office, Student Activities office, or location deans. |
3. If the Navarro College Marketing Department creates the poster/flyer no additional approval or stamp is needed. |
4. The individual requesting to have something posted will be responsible for duplicating the approved flyer. |
5. Include the following: Event details (date/time/location) and contact information e-mail address or a QR code. Include a deadline if applicable. |
a. Review date/time/location for conflict with any planned Navarro College activity. |
6. The Navarro College non-discrimination clause must be on all college posters/flyers. |
7. Ensure correct spelling/grammar; no profanity or antisemitism as well as references to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or related activities. |
8. Approved designated areas – bulletin boards, stairwells, metal around windows, and brick surfaces. Nothing should be posted on painted or stained walls/doors. |
9. Secure with scotch tape at each corner of the poster/flyer. This helps it not to curl; one poster per location. All Navarro College staff members are responsible for retyping any flyers that are barely adhered to or that are torn. |
10. No personal student postings advertising personal items for sale/rent, roommate requests, babysitting, etc. |
11. Be respectful; do not remove or deface other postings. Do not post over other postings. |
12. Navarro College is not responsible for any items that are torn down or If a person(s) is found responsible for defacing a poster/flyer all those participating individuals will be subject to discipline. |
13. All Navarro College staff members are responsible for monitoring and promptly removing posters/flyers immediately after the event concludes. |
14. Navarro College Marketing and Student Services will be responsible for monitoring and removing posters/flyers not approved or past the event dates on an ongoing basis. |
During a presentation, individuals are permitted to display signs, gesture, wear symbolic clothing or in silent protest, provided that such actions do not disrupt the proceedings or impedes access. Disruptive activities include those that block the audience’s view, distract from the presentation, incite immediate breach of peace (including acts of antisemitism), threaten the welfare of others, or violate any college regulations or local, state, or federal laws.
Engaging in peaceful demonstrations (including, but not limited to Marches, Parades, Protest, and Rally) is permitted on Navarro College property. The appropriate activity form should be completed for each campus or location in order to prepare for and facilitate the safety of participants and bystanders. The activity form should outline expected attendance and the planned march/parade route. Protest (See Symbolic Protest above) and Rally locations must follow the guidelines regarding specified Areas Designated for Free Speech Reservations. The activity form should be submitted at least five (5) business days in advance of the event.
Disruptive conduct will not be permitted and at no time should any of these expressive activities cross thoroughfares, slow or stop traffic. The following applies to specific guidelines for such activity.
1. Handouts, giveaway items, hard candy, and other parade tokens may be handed out as a person walks in the parade/march. |
2. Absolutely nothing can be thrown from vehicles or decorated |
3. A parade participant, whether he or she is operating a motor vehicle, riding in or on a parade unit, or walking/marching, may not possess, transport, consume, distribute, or be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs at any time immediately before or during the parade. |
See the area below regarding Conduct and Manner of Free Speech and Public Assembly.
The volume of any sound equipment may not exceed 75 decibels (dBA) when measured at a distance of 50 feet from the source of amplification. This ensures that the sound does not interfere with academic activities or other programs occurring in nearby buildings.
Those who schedule and/or participate in speech, expression, solicitation or public assembly activities on campus must not:
Additionally, those involved in any form of free expression on campus must adhere to the following restrictions:
All applicable college policies and regulations, state and federal laws and municipal ordinances should be followed when engaging in activities on Navarro College property. Failure to do so may result in immediate removal from College property and any other appropriate action by College officials and/or Navarro College Department of Public Safety.
Navarro College upholds a commitment to fostering a clean, aesthetically pleasing, healthy, and safe environment conducive to its work, educational, and living endeavors. In alignment with this commitment, camping activities are strictly prohibited on Navarro College property.
Camping, as defined by the institution, encompasses various activities including sleeping outdoors with or without camping equipment such as tents, tarps, sleeping bags, bedding, hammocks, or cooking gear. Additionally, setting up temporary or permanent sleeping or cooking spaces outdoors, establishing living quarters beyond Navarro College housing, or sleeping in or under parked vehicles are considered violations of this policy.
This applies to all employees, students, College partners, contractors, and visitors.
Camping is not permitted on Navarro College property (this includes all outdoor areas owned, leased, or controlled by Navarro College, and all buildings or permanent structures owned by Navarro College) except as permitted below and with the approval of the Vice President of Student Success, Location Deans, or their designee and may be subject to written request five (5) business days in advance.
1.) Artists or actors: Camping may be permitted for individuals involved in college-authorized performances that necessitate such actions as part of the artistic production, limited to the duration of their scheduled performance or campus activity. Written notification, five (5) days in advance, is required. |
2.) Student Activities: Corsicana Campus and Location Administration are committed to an effective Student Life program and are supportive of student clubs and their role in a community college. Camping may be allowed as part of student activities conducted in accordance with College regulations, encompassing events for clubs, organizations, sports events, and all Navarro College partners. Ideas and club opportunities may be discussed with the Student Life Office on the Corsicana campus, Location Deans, or their designees. |
3.) Extraordinary circumstances: In exceptional situations, with a written request, camping may be approved with consent from designated College officials by the Vice President of Student Success, Location Deans, or their designee. Such circumstances could be subject to a five (5) business day advance notice requirement. |
See also Section G: Community and Governmental Relations, GE.2
Approved: 2015
Updated: 2016, 2022, 2024
Reviewed: 2020